Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Back to Blogging

I've been missing for awhile. At the end of March, we traveled to visit my grandparents. They are pretty much the most awesome people you will ever meet, and I think are a huge part of my inspiration in crafting/cooking/figuring things out own my own. As an example, when we were there my grandpa gave us these beautiful homemade jewelry boxes that he had made because he needed something to do. They are made out of lumber he got from some trees that fell down in their yard during a big storm. They are varnished with pecan oil, a varnish that my grandma invented, from pecans that fell from the pecan trees they have, which my grandpa has experimented with tree grafting on, so they have their own variety of pecans. They have a huge farm in the middle of nowhere and I love spending time there, and there is so much I could learn from them. I wish we were able to visit far more often.

While there I told my grandma I had a chair that I wanted to recover. She showed my how she has figured out a method for making easy covers for chair cushions, and we practices on some foam she had laying around. I forgot to take before pictures, but this is the finished result of my chair! The cushions used to be a dark forest green color with a gold pattern, which didn't match my decor at all. (The chair was a curbside find). I also made the chevron pillow to add some pattern.

I also had my parents in town for Easter, and made my first easter dinner. On the menu was ham with brown sugar and pineapple glaze, scalloped potatoes, asparagus, crescent rolls, deviled eggs and bunny cake for desert. my mom helped make basically all of it, but it was in my kitchen! and I did the menu planning and shopping! that count's for something right?

Bunny cake is a tradition in my family. I went with lemon cake this year, with cream cheese frosting. I planned on having strawberries on the side as topping, but the ones in the grocery store that week were under ripe and they were all out of the frozen ones, so we just had the cake. All the decorations are made from Starburst jelly beans, and I just sprinkled some extras on my piece instead of fruit :)

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